Simple Days

A Simple Woman’s Daybook: A Day in March

4:57 PM


Outside my window...

It’s drizzling outside and the sparrows are flying around, maybe looking for a place to find shelter. Feels cool and calming. I hear the birds chirping. Pretty afternoon. ;)

I am thinking...

how nice it would be to walk under the rain, with an umbrella. It’s summer here so cool rain is something to cherish! *wink*


I am thankful...

that the meeting tonight was cancelled. I was rushing to finish some paperwork but I can slow down now since the meeting might be moved till next week.


In the kitchen...

Green beans and beef. My favorite! ;) But I’m craving for ice cream. It’s a little warm even though it’s raining. A little cool too. I don’t understand! haha

I am wearing...

Orange flowery shorts. Summery around the house! LOL

I am creating...

Tshirt designs and brochures. Summer camp is also one month away so I’ll also be making camp promo materials and the program too!



I am going...

to take a short nap later when I post this. Lazy afternoon because of the rain!

I am wondering...

why lately I’m loving old songs. Well, not really “old” but songs that were popular a few years back, like Brooke Fraser’s “Faithful”, Lenny LeBlanc’s. I haven’t been hearing new songs that speak to my heart these days.


Photo Source:

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Simple Days

Much Love Mondays

2:47 PM


{My sister and churchfriend in Angono, yesterday}


For many people, Mondays are the beginning of the week, but it’s actually rest day for me! Sundays are really super busy. I’m usually dead tired by the time I get home. So I usually sleep the whole day on Mondays. Like today, I just woke up. I’ts 2pm. lol


How have you been doing lately, guys? I feel so bad I don’t get to post as much as I should. I missed Valentines day and the first day of summer (here in Manila)… there were so many things to write about, so many things to share. I’m excited to see you here on the blog more in the coming weeks.



{Plates, plates!}


Anyway, I’m sharing a few photos from my phone taken yesterday. We have a new church plant in a Angono, Rizal…that’s two hours away from home. So every Sunday, after church and after lunch, we drive to Angono to meet with our awesome friends there (Hi Ate Sherry!).


Yesterday, we had a lot of free time so we dropped by this Japanese store which looked really cute.  I had a great time at the plates section! LOL I was joking the whole time that maybe I’m growing older that’s why my interest is changing. But little Japanese ceramic tea cups and plates are really cute, right? ^^









Hope you had a great time yesterday. Enjoy today!

Happy Monday!


Oh, how sweet the light of day,

and how wonderful to live in the sunshine!

Even if you live a long time, don't take a single day for granted.

Take delight in each light-filled hour...

Ecclessiastes 11:7-8


Don’t Just Endure! Enjoy!

2:04 AM

It’s 1am and my day is just ending. For the past couple of months, things had been like this. Waking up early and off to bed really late. And many, many times I feel like the day is not enough to finish all the things that need to get done.


Do you sometimes also feel like this? When there are so much stuff to do, so much lessons to study, so much tasks to accomplish?

When this times come, I remember this little quote from Twitter I saw a couple of months ago. It really is simple but has been very instrumental in reminding me to make the most out of every moment and really enjoy every single day (every task, every single second), as it comes.


It is a sin to merely survive what God has called you
to fully enjoy.
-Ptr. Steven Furtick

The morning I first read this, I was on my way to an interview. And I am so afraid of interviews. ;) At first I was excited because it was for something I really wanted to do. I really wanted to get in.

But on the day of the interview itself, I felt kinda scared and self-doubts began crossing my mind. I dressed up early anyway… but what I had in mind… I just wanted to endure. And it is when I saw this quote on Twitter that changed how I saw that challenge, how I saw that day.

Enjoying What God Meant For Us To Enjoy
It is very easy for us to get overwhelmed with the challenges that come our way. Exams. Tough deadlines. Name the most challenging obstacle and we see the obstacle instead of the purpose why God allowed them to happen. Most of the time, it is because God wants to strengthen our faith, open our hearts, draw us closer to Him…but sometimes, although this we always forget and sometimes doesn’t even cross our mind, that God wants us to enjoy.

But changing our perspective into God's could make us appreciate and enjoy these challenges the way God wants us to.

About that day, on the day of the interview… I left the house with a renewed mind, knowing that I am not meant to endure and just get through it but to really enjoy. And so I met many friends and had a great time. And I got in as well! {Thank you Lord for the favor! ;)}

But even if I didn't I was happy and my heart was joyful. Because I spent that day the way God wanted me to. He wanted to put a smile in my heart. By meeting new friends. Getting into a new place. Facing a new challenge. 

Let us all decide to enjoy life and see the beauty of every day--because sometimes, we just don't notice...but Jesus...that is Jesus always there. And so we should rejoice in Him always. Open-mouthed smile

This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24

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